Dumitru is an avid writer, in this story he explores a spooky museum on none other than Halloween!

Written By Dumitru Langham
My name is Milo Edward—geek, living in New York City and working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sorcerer and archaeologist, piecing together the past for the wizarding world. Working at a museum certainly comes with some interesting stories, and none more so than my experience on October 31st. It was a cold, wet, miserable day.
It was 10 o’clock when things started to get weird. I was planning on meeting up with some old university pals whom I hadn’t seen in ages, but, as always, when you’re in a rush to do something, the call of nature interrupts. So, I made a stop at the restroom. As I hurried through the corridor, pulling on my duffle coat, I didn’t realize how creepy the museum was at night—sinister shadows leering at me in the darkness.
Finally, when I reached the comfort of the restroom, I started to notice the flickering hall lights. Then I heard a loud bang. I quickly looked around—nothing there. Shrugging my shoulders, I carried on into my cubicle. Whoa! I am not going into detail about what happened next! Like most of you who have a smartphone, I’m on it every five minutes, checking up on my Fakebook profile while twirling my pen wand—nearly setting fire to the toilet roll. I shivered as though I was sitting in a freezer, then I heard voices, followed by what sounded like music thudding from a stereo.
What’s going on here? The museum doesn’t usually have parties.
Just then, I looked down to see a transparent head poking through the floor.
“What the—!” I yelled, pulling my trousers up in haste.
“Oh, sorry,” said the head. “I’m looking for the main gallery. I hear there’s a party going on. Sorry I gave you quite the fright, but I’ve never been to New York City. Have you seen Drac—Lord of the Vampires? Every Halloween night, he uses a dragon-shaped chest to open a portal to the undead world so we can catch up.”
“Well,” I began, “I haven’t heard of any party, and could you kindly go through another toilet’s floor and let me finish?”
Then I noticed that my phone was getting covered in dust, as if people were jumping around. I decided to find out what was happening upstairs.
I followed the figure. It was getting colder and colder. When I reached the Ancient Egypt section, it was full of cobwebs. The DJ deck and speakers were shaped like skulls. I was amazed by what I saw! The room was full of the undead doing a Thriller zombie dance that Michael Jackson would have been proud of. As I walked, trying not to step through or bump into anyone, I assumed they were just people in fancy dress.
“Hey, watch it, PAL!” shouted an angry skeleton.
“Oh, sorry,” I said, trying to make myself heard over the thumping music. That’s when I realized—they weren’t folks in fancy dress. They were real.
My main priority was getting out of there! I passed a vampire complaining that he’d lost the Transylvanian Twist. Just then, my mobile rang. It was my mate.
“Hey, where are you?” she yelled. “We’ve been waiting for hours!”
“Yeah, I’m on my way—got held up with work,” I shouted back.
Part of me wanted to tell them about the monster party. The other part of me? I’d take that secret to the grave.